What makes Glenn Stencell an Intellectual Property Protection Expert is his extensive and varied background.
His background in Security combined with his background, training, and experience in a wide variety of positions in the fields of technology, Finance, Accounting, Auditing, Business Consulting, and as an exhibitor (owner/operator of a movie theatre), is what has provided him with the balance of what makes him an expert in IP protection. It is through this training, experience and exposure to a wide variety of processes and procedures used in other industries, where he came to understand how many of them could be used and applied to the movie industry, and which would provide the balance of the security measures needed to stop movie piracy.
His experience in electronics combined with projection and security has enabled him to develop new and unique technical processes to stop movie piracy. These technical processes are not known by others, and there is no evidence that anyone is even close to discovering these processes.
Being an expert in security, highlights his understanding that the protection of the new technology is not only paramount, but must be dealt with first. There have been no patent applications on this technology and won’t be at this stage. The patenting process would allow the general public, including the pirates to too many details regarding it. One of the standards in security is the concept of “Being in a “Need to Know Basis”, which is why details of the technology will only be discussed and disclosed with those who are security cleared and with a “need to know”.
It is Glenn’s varied and combined background which has given him the overall and specific details needed to stop movie piracy. Because of security reasons the actual specifics of his background will not be disclosed here and will only be discussed with those with a “need to know”.
© 2015, Glenn Stencell. All rights reserved. 2015